For over a decade, Utility360 has been the technical and processing support to a network of selected Energy Brokers. When we started, the broker market was dominated by large “call centre” based companies who were mainly interested in selling long term contracts for the suppliers who would offer the most commission to them. We decided to set out to do things differently.
We wanted to work with like minded individuals whose passion was to help small and medium sized businesses to navigate their way around the energy market. So we set about building that network, along with the back office expertise to help ensure that we can handle any of the strange circumstances that business and the energy suppliers can throw at you.
We now have a team of independent, experienced Energy Consultants around the country. They handle all the communications with the customers and rely on us to handle the technical help and support, contract processing and servicing to make sure that your contracts are as they should be… and we don’t stop working until they are.
We have built up strong relationships with major Energy Suppliers, not because we’re the biggest but because we have a first class reputation for the business that we choose to deal with. If you’re interested in our services, either as a business who needs help with their energy, or as a broker who is interested on working with us please contact us.